Blue Ridge Chapter
Roanoke, Virginia
Founded in 1982
BREGA has become a rather small group, 8 Members in the Morning, 6 Members in the Evening group.
Our Members are mostly working on their own projects, finishing UFOs, and before COVID19, had regular monthly meetings with business meetings, followed by refreshments and Show & Tell, always punctuated with Ooohs and Aaahhs.
Then a little stitching…chatter and exchanging ideas and sharing information.
Our Members reside mostly in Roanoke and Salem, but we have Members residing in Buchanan and Bent Mountain, all in the SW area of Virginia.
We are always ready to welcome visitors and new Members.
General Meeting Information:
Under normal circumstances:
Morning Group:
Second Wednesday of each month, 10 AM
Northminster Presbyterian Church
3911 Greenland Avenue NW
Roanoke, VA 24012
Evening Group:
Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
42 E. Main Street
Salem, VA 24153
Membership Dues/Guests:
Primary membership: $78 annually
(Includes chapter dues of $19; region dues of $4; and national dues of $55: includes Needle Arts quarterly magazine and access to all National EGA classes and resources)
Guests may visit twice before being asked to join the chapter.
Nimble Needle News is published once a month—confirming meeting day and time, designated hostess for refreshments, birthdays, words of the president, and other pertinent information—and sent to the chapter members by email.
We make samplers for Habitat for Humanity homeowners. We also collect donations and complete kits to send to institutions like the Veterans Adm. Medical Services in Salem.

The mission of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America is to inspire passion for the needle arts through education and the celebration of its heritage.
The Embroiderers’ Guild of America (EGA) is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for stitchers of any experience level, age, race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or other background to develop their skills and express their creativity through the needle arts.
EGA affirms the commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA).