Golden Needles Chapter

Golden Needles Chapter
Concord, North Carolina

Founded in 1982

Members of our chapter work with a wide variety of embroidery techniques including cross stitch, surface embroidery, beading, counted canvaswork (needlepoint with a variety of stitches), Hardanger embroidery, silk and metal threadwork, crazy quilting, and more. We are happy to share our knowledge. We are a regional group with members from Concord where we meet, Mooresville, Cherryville, Lincolnton, Albemarle, and North Charlotte. Our chapter offers monthly meetings, weekly stitch-ins, and annual workshops. We plan programs in Nov – Dec for the following year. Some of us attend the Carolinas Region activities and the EGA National Seminar. 


General Meeting Information:

First Tuesday of each month at 10:30 AM
All Saints Episcopal Church
525 Lake Concord Road NE
Concord, NC  28025



Golden Needles website:

Carolinas Region EGA website:

National EGA website:

The chapter meets at All Saints Episcopal Church, 525 Lake Concord Road Northeast, Concord, NC 28025.  The phone number of the church is (704) 782-2024.  It is near Carolinas Mall in Concord. 

From Charlotte and Points North or South – take I-85 north. Take exit 58 Kannapolis/Concord for S. Cannon Blvd (US 29 North/NC 601) and go to the right toward Monroe/Concord.  Stay in the left lane and go past Chick Fil A.  At the next light, get into the left turn lane.  Turn left on Country Club Dr NE.  Go past the Starbucks and the back of Carolinas Mall, down a big hill, and halfway up a big hill. Take a right into the parking lot at the back of the church. There is a basketball goal there. Park and enter on foot through the lower door. Press the buzzer for admittance if needed. Turn right and go into the Community Room. If you can’t find us, please call the church at 704-782-2024.

From Highway 3 (Branchview Dr), if you are coming from the west (Landis, Mooresville), make a right onto Country Club Dr NE. If coming from the east (Concord), make a left onto Country Club Dr NE. Take the first left into the parking lot at the back of the church. There is a basketball goal there. (If you pass the Cooperative Christian Ministry, you’ve gone too far.) Park and enter on foot through the lower door. Press the buzzer for admittance. Turn right and go into the Community Room. If you can’t find us, please call the church at 704-782-2024.

Membership Dues/Guests:

Primary membership: $75 annually.  This includes national dues of $55, region dues of $5, and chapter dues of $15. Members receive quarterly Needle Arts magazine, access to all EGA embroidery classes (see, lectures, resources, online Stitch-Alongs and classes, and events such as regional and national seminars, in addition to chapter activities.

Guests are always welcome and are asked to join after attending two free meetings.


We are hosting booths at regional and local quilt shows to inform people about EGA and attract new members.