From the Mountains to the Sea
By Laura Smith
Membership in EGA
If you love to stitch, you will love EGA! You are invited to join us.
If you join as a member of a chapter, the annual dues include the following:
- National dues of $55, (includes Needle Arts quarterly magazine and access to all correspondence courses and online courses shown on the national website);
- Carolinas Region dues of $4 (includes invitations to all region seminars, retreats, and educational activities), and
- local chapter dues which range from $7 to $22 depending on the chapter.
Normally, dues are paid to the chapter and then the chapter treasurer sends the correct portions to the region and national treasurers.
Guests are invited to visit a chapter for two meetings. After that, they are asked to join in order to attend additional chapter meetings. It is possible to join more than one chapter by paying only the chapter dues for each additional chapter. This is called “plural membership.”
If there are no chapters near you, you can join as a member at large (MAL). The dues are $55 for national membership. MALs do not officially belong to any region or chapter, but they do receive the national mailings and access to all correspondence courses and online courses shown on the national website. Invitation to region activities varies by region.
There is also an online chapter called Cyberstitchers. Belonging to this group gives you access to discussions, classes, and other education programs online. Learn more here.
You can find out more and join through the EGA National website, or to join as a member of a Carolinas Region chapter, click on “Region Chapters” on this website.