From the Mountains to the Sea
By Laura Smith
Welcome to our Outreach page
The chapters of the region, both individually and collectively, engage in a number of initiatives to reach out to and share with our communities. Chapters use needle arts to raise community awareness about EGA, to help make our communities a better place, and to further the knowledge of needle arts.
Although each chapter chooses its own projects, outreach activities in the past have included the following:
- fund raisers for worthy causes
- blankets for Project Linus
- stitched items for new Habitat for Humanity homeowners
- public stitch-ins and exhibits
- teaching needle arts to children
- creating ecclesiastical embellishments
- and more.
Refer to the individual chapter pages for more information about the activities of the chapters in the Carolinas Region.
Contact the Chair of the Carolinas Region Community Outreach Committee with your ideas and comments. outreach@egacarolinas.org
The current National EGA Outreach Project supports America’s wounded service members.