Tryon Chapter
New Bern, North Carolina
Founded in 1989
Our chapter is built on friendship. I joined at my first meeting because the members were so friendly, and not much has changed over the years since. We teach, support, and enjoy each other through the good times and bad, always helping each other to improve or expand our skills. During the pandemic, we are sharing our show and tell photos in the newsletter and are keeping in touch through group emails. On top of that, our members are taking advantage of Chapter-sponsored Group Correspondence Courses.
General Meeting Information:
The second and fourth Monday of each
month at 9:30 AM, September through May at:
River Bend Community Center
45 Shoreline Drive
New Bern, NC 28562
Special Interest Groups:
Stitch-ins: Second Monday of each month, 9:30 AM, July and August; and the fourth Monday of the month from February through November. River Bend Community Center.
Membership Dues/Guests:
Primary membership: $61 annually
(Includes chapter dues of $1; region dues of $5; and national dues of $55: includes Needle Arts quarterly magazine and access to all National EGA classes and resources)
Guests are always welcome and are asked to join after attending two meetings.
Thread it Together is published monthly and distributed by mail or email to chapter members.
- Tryon Chapter supports the Salvation Army with food and monetary donations on a quarterly basis.
- Throughout the year chapter members embroider “doves” for Hospice with names of persons who have passed away during the year. At the end of the year, the dove ornaments are displayed on a Christmas tree in downtown New Bern and are then presented to Hospice and the families at a special memorial service.