From the Mountains to the Sea
By Laura Smith
Zoom Instructions
If you need training for using Zoom, the links below will take you to helpful tutorials or documents.
If your CAR chapter needs help setting up a Zoom meeting or learning how to use Zoom, let us know through our Contact Us page.
From Zoom Help Center:
Zoom training: Zoom offers a number of helpful tutorials that explain how to use the various features of the program. click here
From EGA:
Zoom for Newbies: click here
Zoom for Newbies provides easy-to-follow instructions to help people get started with Zoom. It also includes important information about what you need to start “Zooming” and some good-to-know tips.
Changing Name in Zoom: click here
When you first go into a meeting, Zoom may show your phone number or the name of your device instead of your own name. Changing Your Name in Zoom has some quick instructions on doing just that and properly identifying yourself when you attend your next Zoom meeting.
Using Chat and Raising/ Lowering Your Hand in Zoom: click here
In a Zoom meeting, especially one with a larger number of participants, it can be confusing to try to speak without talking at the same time as another person or disrupting the session. Having people try to speak at the same time also makes it hard to know who is asking a question of a speaker. This helpful guide explains several ways to make this process go more smoothly.
How to Update Your Computer’s Zoom App: click here
You should regularly check to see if you have the latest version of Zoom. This handy guide will explain that the fastest and easiest way to do this, although it’s not the only way, is to start up your Zoom app on your computer.